Saint Francis at a Cici's Pizza

Writer's Note: I stopped updating this blog in mid-June after I fell ill. Fragole, however, saved my life. For the purpose of revamping, all prior blogposts have been removed. I will update this blog from time to time. The title of this blogpost derives from a Catholic meme.

Happy Feast Day of Saint Francis of Assisi!

One day in mid-June, I left the Roman hustle and bustle and took to the Umbrian countryside for. It was a breath of fresh air. Rome has a distinct smell, which is at times unpleasant.

Ciao Assisi!

Many will say the following of Assisi, "It's the most beautiful place I've ever visited,"; "The food there was so good." Let me tell you, these statements are certainly true.

Potato pizza with the Basilica of Saint Francis in the background

The Basilica of Saint Francis comprises of an Upper Church and Lower Church. The latter contains the tomb of the Saint himself; the former is the newer part which embodies a Gothic style of architecture. Both churches have beautiful frescoes, though visitors are not allowed to take pictures inside.

Exterior of the Basilica of Saint Francis

Franciscan Tau and Pax mirror to the façade of the Basilica

Here are views of the Umbrian countryside:

Views from the Piazza di Santa Chiara

Descent from the hillside city

Now my companions and I made our descent from the hilltop of Assisi so that we could catch our train back to Rome on time. On our walk back, we visited Saint Clare's first convent, San Damiano. It was here Saint Francis first heard the call from Christ to rebuild His Church. He prayed before the crucifix and it called out to him, "Francis, go and repair my house which, as you see, is falling into ruin." At first, Saint Francis understood it as physically repairing the rubble of the church surrounding him. Then, overtaken with fervor, he realized that he must build up the Church, the Body of Christ.

San Damiano

We continued our walk down the hill. I decided to take my sandals off and walk down the hilly trail in order to imitate the great Saint. However, PEBBLES HURT. Mortification is still good for the soul, though.

At last, we finally reached the bottom of the hill.

A small shrine devote to Our Lady. Ave Maria, gratia plena.

There's corn lining the road, much like your typical Midwestern town.

View of Assisi from the bottom of the hill.

I'm still wondering how this street was named after Goethe...

We followed some cats for a while and eventually found the train station.

I hope this has found you well on this Feast of Saint Francis.

Pax et Bonum.

Sancte Francisce, ora pro nobis!
