Saint Thérèse of Lisieux
A statue of The Little Flower along with one of her first-class relics. Blessed Feast of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux. Cardinal Ratzinger (now-Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI) wrote of her in his Introduction to Christianity : "First of all, the believer is always threatened with the uncertainty which in moments of temptation can suddenly and unexpectedly cast a piercing light on the fragility of the whole that usually seems so self-evident to him. A few examples will help to make this clear. That lovable saint Teresa of Lisieux, who looks so naïve and unproblematical, had grown up in an atmosphere of complete religious security; her whole existence from beginning to end, and down to the smallest detail, was so completely moulded by the faith of the Church that the invisible world had become not just a part of her everyday life, but that life itself. It seemed to be an almost tangible reality that could not be removed by any amount of thinking. To her, 'religion' r...